In essence people do not dislike change, but hate being changed. Innovative dialogues invite co-creation, intrinsic motivation and ownership for what matters most for individuals and organization. As a consequence new thinking, new attitudes and innovative approaches to experienced challenges emerge. It differs from present practices in that it invites and facilitates trust, open communication and profound change in people, culture and structure. This includes stages of development in people, teams and systems in alignment with corporate values and underlying systems and structures. What are some of the innovative social technologies?
- Appreciative Inquiry places the focus on identifying the best of what already is in an organisation and finding ways of enhancing this to pursue dreams and possibilities of what could be.
- U-process facilitates facing reality and seeing the present system clearly, before taking a next step. The process involves a fundamentally different approach to co-creation. It enables individuals and groups to pay attention to, and learn from, emerging realities or opportunities.
- Open Space Technology allows groups to self-organise to effectively deal with complex issues in a very short time. They create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme of strategic importance.
- Sustained Dialogue to address conflictual issues, we look at the underlying relationships that get in the way. A dynamic, non-linear process which takes time and requires commitment from those involved
- World Café creates a living network of conversations around questions that matter, enabling people (from 12 to 1200) to think together and intentionally create new, shared meaning and collective insight. A strong tool to ignite and engage, bringing diverse perspectives and ideas together.